All GP practice management articles – Page 29

  • News

    Royal Cornwall chief quits as deficit doubles to £15.8m


    The chief executive of a hospital trust has fallen on his sword after the trust's deficit was found to be twice what was originally claimed.

  • News

    Comment: Why a US management guru has vital questions for the NHS


    'Michael Porter's book has caught the imagination of many of the most influential voices in NHS reform and has been occupying minds at the highest level throughout this year.'

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    A networking approach to commissioning


    Intelligent commissioning will not succeed unless commissioners at all levels are able to profit from the experience of others and understand their own contribution in the context of the contributions of others

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    Efficiency, not cost, could be future of PbR


    Payment by results tariffs could be altered to reflect the most efficient ways of working, rather than the average cost of a particular treatment, under changes being discussed by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and the Department of Health.

  • News

    Warner: 'no excuses' for delaying commissioning


    New guidance telling primary care trusts how to provide GP practices with information and indicative budgets leaves 'no excuses' for delaying the introduction of practice-based commissioning, health minister Lord Warner has said.

  • News

    GP commissioning boost revealed


    The Department of Health has issued guidance designed to boost the number of GP practices involved in practice-based commissioning.The guidance says that good progress has been made in getting the 'right environment' in place for PBC, but it aims to clarify some 'challenging' issues around governance, accountability and budget setting.To ...

  • News

    Legal briefing: organising key commissioning relationships


    Commissioning has been part and parcel of the NHS for a number of years. What has changed recently is the view that a reinvigorated and more sophisticated commissioning process, with the implementation of practice-based commissioning, will improve services and ensure value for money.

  • News

    Widespread uptake of PBC incentives


    Eight-one per cent of practices had taken advantage of incentive payments to implement practice-based commissioning by the end of September, according to new figures from the Department of Health. This is up from 74 per cent in August.Eighty-two per cent of PCTs have put in place arrangements to support PBC, ...

  • News

    GP shortage procurement scheme may be abolished


    The government's national procurement programme for under-doctored areas looks set to be drastically scaled back or scrapped.

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on conspiracy or cock-up


    'It could be kindly argued that, by general lack of enthusiasm, a third of the country is yet to churn out any meaningful health activity data, yet alone customise or dynamise it to specific local goals. Perhaps more telling is that two-thirds have yet to even put together a simple ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nigel Walker on commissioning for outcomes


    The publication of the white paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Sayand subsequent feedback have shown commissioning to be the highest single priority across the country. In response the Care Services Improvement Partnership is bringing together a commissioning programme that can be delivered through its eight regional development centres. The ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    CSIP's eBook resource for commissioners and service providers


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership's commissioning eBook ( was launched at the end of March and contains a range of articles that represent current thinking and practice in commissioning.

  • Comment

    Professor David J Hunter and Jeffrie Strang on public health and organisational reform


    The justification for the current reorganisation of strategic health authorities and primary care trusts is to strengthen the commissioning function of PCTs and to save £250m in management costs. But are these good enough reasons and will the mergers create a period of stasis? ...

  • News

    Ambulance trusts 'must improve performance data'


    Ambulance trust boards need 'accurate and timely' performance information to drive improvements in information so the ambulance service can play a key role in ensuring patients receive appropriate care in the right environment, according to a new report by health information company Dr Foster Intelligence.The report will appear ...

  • News

    PCTs encouraged to embrace new providers


    Health minister Lord Warner has urged the NHS to open up family doctor services to new providers in a drive to tackle inequalities, improve access to GPs and offer patients a greater choice of practice.Speaking to primary care trust executives at the National Association of Primary Care conference he said: ...

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    Inpatient waiting-time figures


    Almost 200 patients were waiting over 26 weeks at the end of September, the Department of Health has said. Of 198 patients for whom English commissioners are responsible, 21 were waiting in Welsh hospitals. The number of patients waiting over 20 weeks was down by ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Gail Richards on community cohesion


    What do you think about when you hear the phrase 'community cohesion'? Is it only important in inner cities? And do we have a role to play?

  • Comment

    Neil Goodwin on politicians, customer care and a portfoilo life


    'I confess to not missing the grind of the job; 36 years is long enough for anyone. I also do not miss politicians who have a tendency to be personally abusive'

  • News

    Peter Cardy on rewriting the cancer plan


    As cancer care shifts out of hospital, more cancer patients risk poverty as the associated costs rise. Now is the time to tackle the financial distress of the disease, argues Peter Cardy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: commissioning change after North Eastern Derbyshire PCT


    PCTs need to be aware that commissioning of health services has to meet basic standards of transparency and fairness under European Union law