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The real barrier to reform is the inability of NHS organisations to successfully deliver large change programmes which achieve cost and time as well as improved quality and safety goals.

The writing was on the wall for Severn Pathology (covering Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire) in July 2012 when its Advisory Panel, Chaired by the Department of Health's Dr Ian Barnes said:

“The Advisory Panel recognised the effort in producing the detailed financial work produced as part of the business case. However, they were disappointed that not all the financial/pricing work was complete in time for the meeting which had significantly constrained the Panel’s ability to test the competitiveness of the Severn Pathology offer to prices emerging elsewhere. They noted the need to have this work completed as a matter of urgency to enable UH Bristol and Weston Area Healthcare Trust representatives to produce their own business cases which would enable their Trust Boards to
evaluate the option of divesting in Pathology services. Based on the financial information presented to the Panel it was evident that the reconfiguration of pathology services as currently modelled would not come close to achieving the savings targets that had been specified by the current and future commissioners at the outset and throughout this Review.”

The OFT can't be blamed for the consequences of Severn Pathology's inability to produce a business case supported by evidence that it would meet financial criteria set out at the start of the programme.

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