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Reports coming out this year are confirming the dire situation in the management of public services. This report on trust could well be the worst indicator as trust and commitment lead to engagement which leads to lowering of sickness absence and staff turnover due to stress. Trust results in a vibrant workforce that performs above expectations. The lack of trust costs the taxpayers untold sums and contributes to mistakes, errors, lack of concentration, undermining people's work and a host of other ills. Lack of trust produces poor quality, as the mind is on other things, like watching your back - not exactly what health services should be known for, would you not agree?
What are we doing about the lack of trust? As mentioned several times the IHM, together with other professional organisations, has been working on a Code for Engagement, a Code for Ethical Leadership and a Code for Effective Management of Healthcare as the basis for improving the behaviours of managers towards staff - and central is the creation and maintenance of trust and commitment.
Copies of the Codes are available from

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