As the post-Francis funk over patient safety enters its fourth month, it seems that NHS lifers are finally beginning to point their fingers of blame directly into their own faces.

In particular, at the loose morals plaguing the NHS.

Evidence of this was spotted at a recent patient safety event, where a brainstorming session yielded a blackboard full of reasons why it was hard to improve patient safety.

These included the usual “staff levels”, “time pressures on junior staff” and “resistance to accepting change”.

But at the bottom lurked “low morality”. End Game wondered for a while whether they actually meant “mortality”, but that makes even less sense.

We can only assume that it means a general wantonness is creeping into NHS wards, with clinicians fibbing on their tax returns, flogging dodgy motors and engaging in sexual activity outside of wedlock.

End Game can’t remember whether the Francis report had a recommendation about that or not, there were so many.