Sir David Nicholson – winner of End Game’s unofficial best ever person on social media award – has promised to keep tweeting about the NHS after he retires on Monday.

We are sure we will continue to enjoy his weird and dangerous sense of humour for many years to come, but we have to be honest that a good part of the LOL potential comes from the fact that he’s in charge of the NHS, rather than just being another retiree banging on about football and why the Plantagenets were better than the Tudors.

So End Game is this week enjoying one last joke from Sir David.

Mark Britnell, a former Nicholson lietenant who has been an international KMPG consultant since he left the firm in 2009, cropped up on Twitter last week (globetrotters of his stature must always be late to a party, even if it’s a virtual one).

For newcomers: Mr Britnell is a charismatic man, well known for his absolutely enormous ego. Unsurprisingly, therefore, he is thus far “following” no one on Twitter.

An observer inquired: “Who would be first?”

Sir David, whose relationship with Mr Britnell was always warm but blustery, had the answer: “Himself I would imagine.”