All East Midlands articles – Page 8
Hospital’s ‘consistently high’ mortality rate under investigation
NHS England and local system leaders are looking into “consistently high” mortality rates over the last two years at an acute hospital after previous reviews failed to find an explanation, an integrated care board meeting was told this week.
Revealed: The 35 trusts looking to replace their electronic patient records
Nearly 40 trusts are considering launching procurements for new electronic patient records amid a national push to improve trusts’ digital maturity.
HSJ Local
Scandal trust's comms director suspended
A trust’s director of communications has been suspended from her role following reports she blocked bereaved parents on social media.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Vulnerable mothers falling through the cracks
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
Chief executive to lead neighbouring trust
The chief executive of Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust will leave this year to lead a neighbouring mental health trust.
Leak reveals 1,300 confirmed cancer patients still waiting after 104 days
More than 1,000 people are still waiting for cancer treatment 104 days after referral, despite having received a confirmed cancer diagnosis and having been referred with ‘urgent suspected cancer’, leaked data shows.
Pritchard’s NHSE different in ‘tone, intent and accessibility’, say top CEOs
NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard has been praised for transforming the organisation’s relationship with local leaders by the NHS’s most highly regarded chief executives.
NHS England ‘hasn’t got long’ to develop ‘operating model’ for system working
NHS England and local leaders must urgently develop a coherent ‘operating model’ for the era of integrated care systems or see the reforms fail, leading trust chief executives have told HSJ.
HSJ Local
Married trust CEO and ICS chair pair to step down
A mental health trust CEO has announced she is to retire after a 35-year career in the NHS, while her husband is also leaving his ICS chair role at the end of the year.
Trust chiefs resist ‘pressure’ to treat patients in corridors
Hospital leaders say they have been pressured to deliver more ‘corridor care’ as a result of efforts to ease the ambulance handover crisis.
Three regions see covid hospital patients double in a fortnight
The number of patients in English hospitals who have tested positive for covid has increased by 86 per cent during the last two weeks.
Revealed: The trusts where at least one in 20 suspected cancer patients have waited three months
More than 5 per cent of patients with suspected cancer have been waiting more than 104 days at 14 trusts, data leaked to HSJ reveals.
Revealed: The 10 ICSs which account for two-thirds of two-year waits
HSJ analysis of NHS England data has revealed the systems which are the furthest away from the target of eliminating all two-year waits for treatment by the end of July.
HSJ Local
Scandal trust gets another warning notice after ‘disappointing’ progress
A Midlands trust at the centre of a maternity scandal has been issued with another warning notice, with the Care Quality Commission saying it is ‘disappointing’ that safety problems have still not been addressed.
HSJ Local
Ockenden to chair Nottingham maternity review
Donna Ockenden will chair the independent review of Nottingham University Hospitals Trust’s maternity services, following sustained pressure from the families involved.
Trusts block pensions deal for senior medics, claiming it is ‘unfair’ on other staff
Ten of the most pressured NHS trusts have refused to offer ‘pension recycling’ to help senior doctors avoid higher pension taxes, with sources saying this would be ‘totally unfair’ on lower paid staff.
Troubled acute appoints council chief as CEO
A major acute trust in the East Midlands has appointed the chief executive of the local county council to be its new chief executive.
HSJ Local
Ex-SHA chair stands down from maternity failings review
The former trust chair and strategic health authority chief executive appointed to investigate maternity failings at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has stood down following a call by families for her removal.
HSJ Local
Police drop inquiries into alleged manipulation of waiting list
Police have dropped a case against a Midlands trust which was accused of manipulating its waiting lists.
Revealed: The areas with the strongest and weakest primary care
Official workforce statistics reveal huge variation in primary care staffing across different health systems – with London and the South East appearing to be particularly underserved and the South West relatively well resourced.