Janet Snell
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Thoroughly modern matron
She's making a comeback - but how will the new-look matron differ from her former incarnation, and how loved and respected was she really first time round, asks Janet Snell
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Jingle hells?
Being hooked up to the hospital radio station was once considered worse than being tied to an IV drip, but a renaissance in broadcast services may have patients reaching for the headphones. Janet Snell tunes in
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Local counsel
An enterprising recruitment scheme is tackling the under-representation of people from ethnic minorities in the NHS and social care workforce by nurturing talent on its own doorstep. Janet Snell reports
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Trading places
The idea that nurses could retrain to be doctors might have been unthinkable at one time. But the national plan includes provision for nurses to retrain mid-career without starting from scratch. Some have already made the switch. Janet Snell reports
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HAZ programmes facing budget cuts
Funding for health action zones will rise by 37 per cent this year - but some local projects face budget cuts as the government directs cash at national priorities such as heart disease and cancer.
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Going into labour
One of the authors of a major report on birth statistics has criticised the government's new systems for collecting health data. Janet Snell finds out why co-ordinating national health statistics is not child's play
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The short goodbye
You give 20 or more years of your life to the NHS and they give you a couple of hours to clear your desk. Janet Snell talks to some former chief executives who know how it feels
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Fleet of foot
An early retirement culture and dissatisfaction with work have left an increasingly worried government with a staffing vacuum, writes Janet Snell
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Head to head
Is the NHS overlooking an important resource by making limited use of mentors? Janet Snell reports
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'There's such a push for creativity, it's almost frightening'
Janet Snell canvassed opinion on how chief executives see their new roles progressing
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Feeling the squeeze
Happy with their lot or keen to move on? Janet Snell asked middle managers how they see their role and prospects
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Making a drama out of a crisis
A dedicated band of volunteers is prepared to put itself through everything from a suicide attempt to a bus crash to help first-aiders and hospitals hone their skills.
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A force to reckon with
The NHS's expanding workforce of healthcare assistants needs to be better valued and better regulated, says Janet Snell