Julie Wood
Julie Wood is chief executive of NHS Clinical Commissioners.
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The NHS' rapid response to covid would have been impossible without CCGs
It’s not a choice between commissioning or provision, and the lessons from covid show that it’s about a re-focused set of commissioning activities and a re-focus of provision, writes Julie Wood
- HSJ Interactive
The how, the what and the why of the long-term plan for CCGs
Julie Wood explores the need to do more at local level and how commissioners are working with provider partners to change their relationships and find bespoke solutions to local problems
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The shortage of women leaders does patients a disservice
Three quarters of all CCG GP leads are men. Julie Wood argues for better management of female talent to redress the balance
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The £3.8bn must be used for transforming the NHS, not plugging holes
Frontloading of funding is welcome, but there are questions hanging over how we meet the strategic vision set out in the Five Year Forward View
- HSJ Knowledge
Clinical commissioners can help shape primary care
CCGs can enhance general practice’s future if it lets them