Kaye McIntosh
- Supplements
The £80bn man: GPs get ready to hold the NHS budget
HSJ’s special supplement on GP commissioning looks at the challenges facing commissioners in the new NHS.
- HSJ Knowledge
Personal health budgets: the patient is always right
Will individual health budgets help patients get the best care or leave the NHS struggling with increased costs and new ethical dilemmas? Kaye McIntosh reports
- HSJ Knowledge
Added values: improving learning disabilities services
People with learning disabilities are entitled to the same high quality healthcare as other patients, but serious cases of abuse and neglect suggest the NHS is far from meeting its obligations. Kaye McIntosh reports on the work now under way to turn this around
- HSJ Knowledge
Benchmarking out of hours healthcare
Huge variations in the cost and quality of out of hours healthcare around the country have led to moves to benchmark these services. Kaye McIntosh reports
- HSJ Knowledge
Under the radar: BME mental health
Language barriers and stereotyping mean the mental health needs of black and minority ethnic older people are going unseen by commissioners. Kaye McIntosh reports
- HSJ Knowledge
Palliative care: on their terms
Big Lottery funding means young people in West Sussex get holistic palliative care in an environment of their choice - even if that means down on the beach
- News
Blair asked to intervene as PCT slashes budget by £25m
A council leader has called on the prime minister to stop a primary care trust cutting its budget by £25m. Mr Blair was dragged into the row after the leader of Brent London borough council threatened to refuse to accept any attempt to shift work from healthcare to social services.
- News
Media watch
The NHS entered the debate about What Not to Wearthis week as the Daily Expresstrumpeted: 'The veil is banned in hospitals.' The paper revealed 'details of the purge of faceless medics' at Birmingham University's school of medicine. Students are allowed to cover ...
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Chair quits over private power
A primary care trust chair has resigned in protest at the increasing role of the private sector in the NHS. Rochdale PCT chair Debbie Abrahams spoke to HSJ after her announcement at a public demonstration in Manchester.
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Funding row could see 1,800 patients rejected by foundation
A foundation trust has become the first in the country to turn patients away after the escalation of a public row with its primary care trust over funding.
- News
Foundation governance definitely not kids' stuff
Monitor has stepped in to prevent a foundation trust appointing children as governors.
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Hewitt claims just 1 in 9 job cuts are down to redesigns
Only one in nine NHS redundancies so far this year has come as a result of Commissioning a Patient-led NHS, health secretary Patricia Hewitt has told MPs.
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Signs of the times
Two pages of the NHS plan are given over to a collection of signatures from the great and the good. HSJ asked a handwriting expert to tell us what they revealed.
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Hold your privates
The government is determined to ensure consultants pull their weight in their NHS work - but how tough will the crackdown really be, asks Kaye McIntosh
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'Shocked' CHCs bite back in row over abolition
Patient watchdogs have attacked the government's NHS plan, warning it will reduce public monitoring of the NHS despite its supposed 'patient focus'.
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Casting a verdict on history
Landmark? Last chance? Election winner? Will today's national plan for the NHS fulfil the many hopes invested in it? Kaye McIntosh asks key players for their assessment
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Legal ruling may see CHI go public
A landmark court ruling could force the Commission for Health Improvement to hold its investigations in public.
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Surgeons admit no evidence of value for money in trauma plans
The Royal College of Surgeons has demanded a major re-organisation of trauma services, while admitting there is no evidence this would be costeffective.
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Empowerment to the people
Professor Aidan Halligan insists he's not one of the great and the good, but he tells Kaye McIntosh that his clinical governance support team is about delivering a 'patient-centred, staff-owned quality health service'
- News
'Climate of fear' mars push to create PCTs
The government is at risk of 'derailing' its own reform of primary care, according to research by the NHS Alliance.