Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS

Julian Kelly

Eleven ICSs warned of ‘significant concern’ about overspending


Around three quarters of England’s 42 integrated care systems have been unable to set balanced budgets for 2024-25, NHS England has revealed.

watford general hospital

CFO departed trust after senior staff and ICB ‘lost confidence’


A trust’s chief financial officer left the role shortly after senior staff told the chief executive they had “lost confidence” in the CFO, in an apparent row over planned cuts to clinical staff, HSJ can reveal.

Mobile phone

Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed


Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures. 

money coins finance

Exclusive: NHSE begins to claw back funding from ICSs to pay off historic debts


Three-quarters of integrated care systems face funding cuts of up to £20m as a result of NHS England’s insistence they start paying back overspends from previous years, HSJ  analysis has discovered.


CEO interview: Jane Halpin, chief executive, Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board


This is the latest in a series of interviews with chief executives, which are available exclusively to HSJ Insight subscribers.

nicholas small

GP takes over community trust as new chair


A GP has been named as the new chair of a community trust in the East of England.

Lawyer signing contracts legal

£500m outsourcing deal finalised after confidential settlement


System leaders in Hertfordshire have settled a lawsuit brought by two companies part owned by an NHS trust in a neighbouring area, allowing a £500m pathology contract to be awarded to their preferred supplier.

Dave West 2023

The Integrator: Doing more to fix general practice


Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.

Construction building site cranes blueprint plans

‘Untenable stalemate’ is halting GP practice upgrades, say ICBs


An “untenable stalemate” in funding has virtually halted GP practice building work, despite national commitments to expand primary care, multiple NHS organisations are warning.

Money, finance and accounts

‘Inadequate’ action on cap-ex changes leading to ‘suboptimal’ decisions


Capital spending plans in some health systems are being adversely impacted by an accounting change that was not supposed to affect operational decisions.


NHSE acts as performance deteriorates in five systems


Five integrated care systems face escalations in central scrutiny and support following “deterioration” against key urgent and emergency care targets.

Nursing home

Revealed: The ICBs paying a third of care home bills late


Several commissioning boards have been routinely failing to pay the money they owe to care homes in a timely fashion.


ICB sued by trust over £500m deal


A company part-run by an NHS trust has launched a legal challenge against a neighbouring integrated care board over a £500m pathology contract.

Hospital beds

Core bed numbers fall in seven systems, despite NHSE plan


The number of ‘core’ acute beds has fallen in seven health systems since the summer, according to official sitrep data.

Elliot Howard-Jones_CEO

Trust boss: Minority staff ‘could be put off applying’ for teams which lack diversity


A trust chief executive has said people from minority ethnic backgrounds “could be put off applying” for roles in teams which lack diversity.

Money, finance and accounts

Exclusive: Government and NHS in talks over £1bn funding gap


Government is in talks with national NHS leaders over how to fill an urgent funding gap of at least £1bn this financial year, HSJ has learned, as new analysis shows all 42 local integrated care systems were behind their own plans less than halfway through 2023-24.

lawyer business

ICB drops procurement legally challenged by supplier


An integrated care board has dropped its procurement of a digital system after a health technology supplier launched a legal challenge accusing the ICB of breaking purchasing rules.


‘New approach’ to GP contract will ‘increase resilience’, says ICB


An integrated care board is set to replace a company which has been running a GP practice on a short-term deal, with a long-term contract held by a local primary care network, under a ‘new approach’ it says will ‘increase resilience, capacity and value for money’.

court judge

Managers wrongly dismissed doctor with PTSD, tribunal rules


A trust breached its own internal illness policy when managers sacked a doctor who had PTSD and had been drunk at work, an employment tribunal has ruled.

Digital innovation

Revealed: First ICS digital maturity ratings


HSJ  can reveal the first ratings given to every integrated care system for the ‘digital maturity’ of its NHS providers.