Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS

Money, finance and accounts

Consultants sent in to tackle overspending at nine ICSs


NHS England has ordered nine integrated care systems to bring in management consultants to find ways to immediately bring down spending because of concerns over their finances, HSJ can reveal.

Mobile phone

Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed


Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures. 

Nurse doctor hospital

Leak reveals systems planning to cut permanent staff


NHS organisations across two integrated care systems are planning a cut to their total substantive workforce this year, as part of plans to save money.

Money, finance and accounts

Rise in ICSs missing financial plans despite NHSE claim more would deliver


The number of health systems that failed to meet their main financial commitment increased substantially last year, despite NHS England’s chief finance officer previously saying many more areas would “definitely” deliver on their plans.


‘Keep the faith in ICBs’, urges national leader


Policymakers must “keep the faith” in integrated care boards, and should not seek to “carve up” their role by removing responsibility for overseeing provider trusts, a national leader has said.

People power network

ICSs where staffing has grown by a quarter revealed


The NHS increased its substantive workforce by around 18 per cent over the past four years, which was almost double the rate of increase over the previous period.

IV drip

Seven more avoidable sepsis deaths spark coroner warnings


Preventable deaths of seven people from sepsis – including four children – have prompted coroners to flag major concerns about NHS services’ management of the condition.

Hospital told to pair with ‘critical friend’


The Care Quality Commission has told Rampton Hospital it must partner with another high secure hospital as a “critical friend”, in recommendations from a government-ordered “rapid review”.


Trust director resigns over ‘dishonesty’


The strategy director of an acute trust has resigned after being suspended by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for dishonesty over a “repeated period of time”.

Victoria Atkins 3 by 2

Minister orders ‘special review’ of embattled trust


The government has ordered a “special review” into a trust facing multiple major concerns, including its treatment of Valdo Calocane before he killed three people in Nottingham last summer.

empty board room meeting

Trust cuts board posts to make savings


An acute trust has made cuts to its board to save money and help reduce its deficit.

‘Inadequate’ hospital restricted from admitting new patients


A high secure hospital has been rated “inadequate” again by the Care Quality Commission and prevented from admitting new patients without the regulator’s “prior written agreement”.


Former national director to chair two ICBs


A long-serving hospital leader and former NHS Improvement director will become the first to chair two neighbouring integrated care boards.


Ex-national director to lead ICS group


The former medical director of NHS Improvement – who now holds several local board roles – is to become chair of the national NHS Integrated Care System network.

Anthony May

‘Insular’ trust has to rebuild ‘hope’ and relationships, says turnaround CEO


The chief executive of a major acute trust has said performance problems caused it to ‘look inwards’ and described how it has been working to ‘build back relationships’ and give ‘hope’ to staff.

Money, finance and accounts

Exclusive: Government and NHS in talks over £1bn funding gap


Government is in talks with national NHS leaders over how to fill an urgent funding gap of at least £1bn this financial year, HSJ has learned, as new analysis shows all 42 local integrated care systems were behind their own plans less than halfway through 2023-24.

Hospital beds

Revealed: the ICSs where delayed discharge rates have doubled in a year


More than half of integrated care systems have managed to cut their rates of delayed discharges this year, but performance worsened in 16 ICSs.


Labour selects trust chair as regional mayor candidate


The chair of a Nottinghamshire acute trust has been selected as the Labour candidate for elections to become the first mayor of the East Midlands.


‘Cosy’ health and care relationships should be avoided, says NHSE director


Integrated care systems ‘where everybody’s getting on well’ tend to avoid tackling ‘uncomfortable’ – but critical – issues, according to NHS England’s national director of intermediate care and rehabilitation.

Digital innovation

Revealed: First ICS digital maturity ratings


HSJ  can reveal the first ratings given to every integrated care system for the ‘digital maturity’ of its NHS providers.