Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Baroness Sally Morgan

Former Blair aide to chair teaching trust


Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust has appointed Labour peer and former top Number 10 adviser Baroness Sally Morgan as its next chair.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

40% of funding targeted at improving emergency care goes unspent


Fourty per cent of the £150m capital funding pot NHS England made available to incentivise urgent and emergency care improvements was not distributed, data shown to HSJ reveals.


EXCLUSIVE: Trusts regularly breaching security standards


Twenty one serious security failures at hospital mortuaries were discovered by the Human Tissues Authority between April 2022 and March 2024, HSJ can reveal.

Baby and mother in maternity ward

Exclusive: Maternity delays spark thousands of safety alerts each year


Maternity departments are raising thousands of safety reports every year about delayed inductions of labour, HSJ can reveal.


Five trust CEOs were paid more than £300,000 last year


Several trust chief executives were paid more than £300,000 in 2022-23, including adjustments for previous underpayments, pay in lieu of pension contributions, and redundancy packages.


Trust reveals major data breaches involving over 22,000 patients’ data


A major teaching trust mistakenly released private information belonging to more than 22,000 patients in two major data breaches.

University College London Hospital

‘Same day’ emergency care drops at 40 trusts, despite NHSE push


A third of acute trusts are doing proportionally less “same day emergency care” activity than a year ago, despite this being a key pillar of NHS England’s recovery plan, data suggests.

Hospital consultants

Shelford trusts now paying consultants up to £269 an hour to cover strike night shifts


Seven of the 10 largest teaching trusts are understood to have acquiesced to demands by the British Medical Association to pay consultants higher overtime rates for covering August’s junior doctors’ strike.


Revealed: Trust alerts police over clinician who ‘worked on forged qualifications’


A major teaching hospital has alerted the police after it discovered an advanced clinical practitioner who worked for the trust for several years and likely saw thousands of patients was doing so on forged professional qualifications, HSJ has learned.

Angela Hillery 3x2

Four NHS chiefs awarded birthday honours alongside maternity campaigners


Four NHS chief executives were among those recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours, along with public health leaders and safety campaigners.


‘One nurse per ward’ warning over next week’s strike


A major acute trust has warned ahead of next week’s nursing strike that it will face ‘very severe staffing shortages’ in children’s A&E, with ‘as few as one nurse per ward’, much less critical care capacity, and fewer operating theatres open than on Christmas Day.


Another CEO given national director role


Another chief executive of a local NHS organisation has been hired as a national director by NHS England.


Exclusive: Trusts abandon renewable electricity commitment


Around half of the largest trusts are not buying all their electricity from renewable sources despite a national requirement to do so, as prices of this type of energy rocket, HSJ  understands.

A&E accident and emergency

HSJ’s 10 most read patient safety stories of 2022


As 2022 comes to an end, HSJ takes a look at its most read patient safety stories of the year.


Waiting times got worse at trusts that dropped A&E target


Trusts trialling NHS England’s new A&E metrics reported worse average waiting times for admitted patients than those which stayed on the four-hour target, an HSJ analysis suggests.

Ewen Cameron

‘Witch-hunt’ trust finally gets new CEO


West Suffolk Foundation Trust has appointed a new substantive chief executive just over a year after Steve Dunn stood down from the role following a protracted bullying scandal.


Four in five trusts yet to reach digitisation target


Only one in five trusts has reached the level of digitisation required by 2025 – more than three years after the target was set, tech chiefs have revealed.

Peterborough City Hospital

Trust calls out cleaning firm over high infection rates


An acute trust has publicly accused its cleaning contractor of failing to meet nationally set cleaning standards, and said this has contributed to a ‘large spike’ in hospital-acquired infections.


Trust criticised over handling of 60-hour A&E waits


Senior staff have questioned why a major hospital did not seek support from neighbours when emergency patients were left waiting more than 60 hours to be admitted to a bed.

Psychiatric hospital

Large hospital trusts still missing key crisis support in A&E


Some of the country’s leading acute hospitals are not meeting a key NHS standard for mental health support in emergency departments, HSJ research suggests, with some regions faring better than others.