Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust

Manchester tram

ICB reprimanded for not ‘holding FTs to account’


One of the largest integrated care systems has been accused of a “failure” of financial management, as NHS England issued a formal notice requiring urgent improvements across leadership, performance and care quality.


Trust scraps ex-chair’s building tribute after ‘legacy reassessment’


Plans to name a new major trauma centre after a long-serving trust chair were scrapped after a reassessment of his legacy, HSJ has been told.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Running rings around the ICB


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Manchester devolution tapestry

‘Systematic’ cuts to private activity planned by stricken ICS


A health system with one of the largest elective backlogs in the country will implement a “systematic reduction” of its dependency on private hospitals, as part of a bid to cut costs.

North by North West: Funding still pending as new hospital opens


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Manchester central new website

Long-waiters fall by a third despite ‘stubbornly high’ elective list


Trusts cut the number 65-week breaches by 35 per cent between February and March, reducing the long waiter cohort significantly from around 75,000 to around 49,000, according to NHS England’s monthly data.


NHSE should intervene in trust safety investigation, says inquiry chair


The chair of the major inquiry into rogue surgeon Ian Paterson has raised concerns over a separate patient recall process conducted by Salford Royal Hospital, and suggested NHS England should intervene.

North by North West: Patient safety or administrative convenience?


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Money, finance and accounts

Redundancy scheme to cut corporate staff by 14%


Multiple hospitals are launching redundancy schemes or plans to freeze recruitment for corporate and non-clinical staff, in a bid to meet their financial expectations in 2024–25.


Tackling health inequalities should be core business for trusts


A new NHS Providers’ guide for trusts provides a comprehensive framework for identifying, prioritising, and addressing health inequalities, write Christine Camacho and Rachael McKeown

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Skin in the game


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.


HSJ Podcast: Scandal at ‘the safest trust in England’


This week, we discuss the implications of a long-awaited independent review into a patient safety scandal at Salford Royal Hospital, where former head of the spinal division John Williamson harmed multiple patients.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Coming up with the wrong answer


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Salford royal

Review ‘strewn with errors’ gave trust ‘false assurance’ over division lead


An investigation has heavily criticised a royal college review that was “strewn with errors” and gave “false assurances” to trust leaders over a prominent spinal surgeon.

kay m

NHSE makes three senior hires


NHS England has hired three new senior directors to its estates and facilities team.

James Illman 2023

Recovery Watch: What ‘virtually eliminating’ 78-week breaches really means


Recovering services from the covid crisis is a big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ bureau chief and performance lead James Illman.

cyber security

NHSE warns widely used EPR could pose ‘serious risks to patient safety’


NHS England has issued a national alert to all trusts providing maternity services after faults were discovered in IT software that could pose “potential serious risks to patient safety”.


Right people, right time, right information - A blueprint for stronger multidisciplinary teams and efficient patient pathways


Discover how digital infrastructure can transform multidisciplinary teamwork, reduce referral times, and enhance staff experience

Manchester devolution tapestry

Headcount rise of 4,000 ‘not readily explainable’ by troubled ICS


The hiring of several thousand staff in a financially troubled health system was found to be ‘not readily explainable’ and well beyond the increases reported by similar areas.

Rob findlay

Neurosurgery waits surge as national elective list hits new high


Clinical risk on the waiting list continues to grow