NHS England, Monitor and the Trust Development Authority have set out a series of ideas which they hope will transform the provision of NHS care.

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The organisations came together at a recent event, the NHS Futures Summit, to promote a discussion about how the NHS can change its models of care to provide better services in the future. Jointly, they have published A Call to Action: transformative ideas for the future as a guide for providers and commissioners. Case studies in the document show some potentially radical ideas for NHS models of care ranging from specialised surgery centres to hospitals in the community and new technology.

Providers and commissioners are being urged to consider how the international good practice and the care models they represent can help expand these characteristics and deliver more value for patients and the public.

NHS England and Monitor with the Trust Development Authority will consider what further developments of new care models could help commissioners and their partners. Information gathered at the summit and covered by the report will also be used to inform national action that maybe required to remove any obstacles to change and support the transformation of the NHS.