All Nursing articles – Page 4

  • Workforce jpg

    Record number of NHS staff hand in resignation


    The latest NHS workforce figures have shown that a record number of staff voluntarily resigned from their jobs during the first quarter of this financial year.

  • Rachel Reeves

    Big expansion of nurse and doctor training planned by Labour


    Labour would use revenue from reversal of the abolition of the 45 per cent rate of income tax to fund “one of the largest NHS workforce expansions in history,” the shadow chancellor has announced.

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: A stop-gap with questionable ethics


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: A summer of ‘pressure, stress and anxiety’


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: Leaders’ ‘moral’ duty on the cost of living crisis


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Nick Kituno 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: Fight, or walk


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Anita Charlesworth 3x2

    The challenge facing Johnson's successor


    Even as political winds shift, it’s imperative that future public and political debate on taxes and public spending on NHS is rooted in a clear understanding of the nature and scale of the challenges facing the NHS, writes Anita Charlesworth

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: What will happen to the workforce strategy?


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    Industrial tensions are simmering


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

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    Watchdog warns over medication risk to vulnerable


    Vulnerable patients cared for in secure mental health units across England could miss out on vital medications due to a shortage of learning disability nurses, a safety watchdog has warned.

  • Stroke brain X-ray

    ‘Shift to untrained staff’ leaves over half stroke units with too few nurses


    Fewer than half of stroke units in England have the recommended number of trained nurses — a drop of 10 percentage points in two years, a report has warned. 

  • georgina carr 3x2

    Neurological care is being rationed unfairly


    Georgina Carr speaks about the lack of access and planning in neurological care within the NHS and emphasises the need to build on existing initiatives

  • York Hospital front
    HSJ Local

    Patients unwashed ‘for three days’ at trust under ‘extreme pressure’


    The Care Quality Commission has issued a trust with a warning notice following an inspection that found wards did not have enough staff to care for patients.

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: Calling BS


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: The Great Resignation


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Image(3)
    Expert Briefing

    Mental Health Matters: The profession at ‘high risk’ of being lost


    HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector — contact me in confidence.

  • Nurse at GP surgery

    Revealed: The areas with the strongest and weakest primary care


    Official workforce statistics reveal huge variation in primary care staffing across different health systems – with London and the South East appearing to be particularly underserved and the South West relatively well resourced.

  • boardroom table and chairs

    ICSs must seek permission to bust £170k pay cap for directors


    Integrated care systems must make the case to NHS England and ministers if they want to pay executives more than £170,000, leaked guidance reveals.

  • Annabelle Collins 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    The Ward Round: Midwifery in crisis


    Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping the workforce.

  • Nick Hulme for upload

    Trust CEO says MP ‘not fit for office’ over Partygate


    An acute trust chief has taken the rare step of publicly condemning an MP who claimed nurses and teachers had ‘a quiet drink’ after shifts during covid lockdowns.