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Equal to the occasion
Health secretary Alan Milburn is keen to assure social services that they are equal partners with the NHS. But he warned that means signing up to a similar strict regime of regulation. Pat Healy reports
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Are you listening to me?
England's first joint health and social care trust still has to convince users it works, reports Pat Healy
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Denham snub to CHC's plea
Health minister John Denham has rejected a plea by Coventry community health council for a £200m private finance initiative hospital in the city centre.
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Pay deal 'is key to keeping nurses in NHS'
Nurses need a 'substantial' pay rise if the NHS is to retain the experienced staff needed to carry out the government's modernisation programme, the Royal College of Nursing said this week.
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New pay plans face 'inevitable' phase-in
The new pay system being negotiated for the NHS will be phased in because not all trusts are expected to be ready to implement it in full.
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Government set for collision course over new holiday pay
The government has provoked a new row with unions over how NHS bodies should implement enhanced holiday pay rates demanded by the working- time directive.