Paul Robinson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Referrals between NHS consultants are up


    The issue of consultant to consultant referrals is a source of dispute between commissioners and acute care providers.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why end of life care should be recorded


    Our work in end of life care suggests coding is being significantly under-recorded. This impacts on risk-adjusted mortality rates and issues relating to length of stay, which in turn has implications for organisations that compile data.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Same-day care sees admissions level off


    This article examines what has been happening over the last five years with emergency admissions to acute hospitals - probably the biggest driver of all healthcare spend.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Comparing UK maternity services


    Recently, HSJ looked at spending and productivity in England and Scotland. This article investigates differences in the maternity services across three countries (England, Northern Ireland and Wales - reliable data for Scotland was not found for the whole period).

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Assessing the opportunity for ambulatory care


    The next stage review has again highlighted the opportunities for providing elements of urgent and chronic care outside the acute inpatient setting.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Wider engagement in joint assessment


    The starting point for improving health services and reducing heath inequalities is data. To identify areas for improvement, exactly the same data must be collected in the same way.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why clinical coding is crucial


    In the first of a series on the importance of data, Paul Robinson looks at the issues surrounding clinical coding

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prevention shows benefits across UK


    Over the last few years, more and more emphasis has been placed on early intervention and/or prevention for long-term conditions. Has this started to show any impact on the number of hospital admissions?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Robinson on the waiting times initiative


    The NHS is often used as a generic term, but in reality it consists of four different services in four countries. In my last column, I examined surprising differences in the growth of emergency admissions in the four countries. This time we will look at an issue that has had ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient reports are simple and useful


    Despite all the data flowing around the NHS, the question of whether the patient feels better after a procedure is an extremely difficult one to answer. Some clinicians keep their own records, but more often than not they are interested only in whether what they did was successful from their ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Four-hour waiting target fuels admissions


    How have targets changed the way we organise emergency workloads and what has the impact been of the four-hour waiting target in accident and emergency? Paul Robinson explains

  • Comment

    Paul Robinson on double standards


    'Both the independent sector and the NHS collect data - but different items for different purposes, making direct comparisons virtually impossible'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Data briefing: patients opting for care closer to home


    Has there been a change in referral patterns since the start of patient choice?

  • News

    For what it's worth


    A trust's system to give all staff annual statements on their pension entitlements has been taken up nationally. Mike Colman and Paul Robinson report