• News

    Heading to come


    For some of us old enough to remember the suppression of the Black report on inequalities in health back in 1980, the publication of former chief medical officer Sir Donald Acheson's son of Black report felt a bit like the arrest of General Pinochet - long overdue revenge on behalf ...

  • News

    heading to come


    We've got the picture now, thanks to a flood of reports from or about the government: children need looking after better than we've managed lately. Yet we're still in a terrible muddle. Like those harrowing photos we always see in Armistice Week, the victims often end up in hospital, jail ...

  • News

    Young Lochinvar holds firm in reshuffle outreach


    Saturday night was better than Sunday night last weekend. I spent Sunday (lovely weather, so they tell me) in the dark and windowless room I share with eight others in the Palace of Westminster, trying to predict Tony Blair's reshuffle.