• News

    Alan on the move? It is not black and white


    Published: 08/05/2003, Volume II3, No. 5854 Page 16, 17

  • News

    Ooo la la! French leave for Brits who tire of the wait


    One of my recent pleasures during the working day has been the sight and sound of the Daily Mail, and, more recently, the Conservative leadership candidates, urging that we should all become more European.

  • News

    Surely Somme mistake as battle-weary troops hold their ground


    You could be viewing this election campaign (still a whole week to go) as a dreary, control freak's dream, every move orchestrated by Labour HQ at Millbank and its rivals. There again, you could see it as a pleasingly chaotic shambles in which things go wrong all the time and ...

  • News

    Portly bearded despot sharpens his clause


    What a week for the oldsters! In the space of a few days they were told by the boffins that they can all soon expect to live to be 130 (grim thought), yet also that some trusts may deny them access to cardiac rehabilitation programmes after a stroke or heart ...

  • News

    Lords above - it's time to enhance the NHS brand


    While the Commons last week debated the bill to purge the hereditary peers, and Labour MP Dr Howard Stoate was fighting off pleas from male colleagues for Viagra prescriptions (name them, demanded Teresa Gorman), the Lords quietly staged their annual debate on the NHS. What a rich mix of fascinating ...

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    Through a glass darkly - a peep at the real world


    I bumped into Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of Sane, at a Christmas party the other evening.

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    Funny old thing, coincidence. Barely had this column yoked Paul Boateng's name with that of Alun Michael in the 'Michael Stone' policy debate last week than fate linked them via Ron Davies's ill-fated stroll on Clapham Common. Minister B took minister M's job at the Home Office when he moved ...