Robert Wachter

Robert M. "Bob" Wachter is an academic physician and author. He is on the faculty of University of California, San Francisco, where he is chairman of the Department of Medicine, the Lynne and Marc Benioff Endowed Chair in Hospital Medicine, and the Holly Smith Distinguished Professor in Science and Medicine. He is generally regarded as the academic leader of the hospitalist movement, the fastest growing specialty in the history of modern medicine. He and a colleague, Lee Goldman, are known for coining the term "hospitalist" in a 1996 New England Journal of Medicine article. Bob also chaired and led on the Wachter Review commissioned by Jeremy Hunt in 2016. 

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    Bring on the chief health AI officer


    As electronic health records pave the way, GenAI tools promise transformative gains, requiring strategic focus and investment. By Robert Wachter and Harpreet Sood