An HSJ roundtable, in association with Dedalus Group, asked where the health service is on digital transformation and how it can benefit from other countries’ experience of the same journey
Read the detailed roundtable report here
Digital transformation in healthcare is often described as a journey. In the NHS, it’s sometimes been a bumpy one and – even after 15 months in which progress has, by necessity, swiftly accelerated – the reality is that levels of digitisation vary significantly between organisations.
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It’s a journey the NHS is far from alone in undertaking, however. All developed healthcare systems have grappled with how best to capitalise on digital technologies; how to ensure patients and staff alike can use digital solutions as commonly in the healthcare environment as they do in other spheres of their lives.
As with so much else, the pandemic has made such issues all the more challenging and urgent.
In June, HSJ brought together a small panel of experts to debate them. The virtual event, held in association with Dedalus Group, united healthcare experts from across Europe. The main question on the agenda: what can the NHS learn from other countries about digitally-enabled service transformation in healthcare?
The panel
- Shera Chok, practising GP, deputy chief medical officer, NHS Digital
- Andrea Fiumicelli, chief executive, Dedalus Group
- Mario Plebani, professor of clinical biochemistry, Padova University Medical School and head of integrated diagnostics department, Padova University Hospital
- Ayesha Rahim, chief clinical information officer and deputy medical director, Lancashire & South Cumbria Foundation Trust
- Will Smart, global director of external relations, Dedalus Group
- Jakob Uffelmann, director of innovation, and chief executive, International Foundation