All Health Service Journal articles in 9 October 2008

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  • Blogs

    International development is a fishy business


    It's one of the great development mantras: give someone a fish, and they'll eat for a day; teach someone to fish, and they'll eat for the rest of their life. But it unfortunately completely misses the point.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Local community gets involved in NHS budgeting


    In the UK's first health-related participatory budgeting event, residents in Thornhill, Southampton were invited to vote on which health and well-being projects they thought would best meet the health needs of the community.

  • Comment

    Keith Pearson on releasing time to care for patients


    The best health organisations in the world put patients at the heart of what they do. This is why the Releasing Time to Care programme is so important.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Complying with freedom of information rules - tips for NHS bodies


    Every public body required to comply with the Freedom of Information Act must have in place an approved publication scheme setting out information that must be routinely available to the public.

  • Comment

    Mental health volunteering scheme has global ambitions


    This World Mental Health Day, South London and Maudsley foundation trust is supporting a new initiative to encourage volunteering with VSO.

  • Comment

    Michael White on the NHS and political miscalculations


    With the global banking network near meltdown, we're all on a sharp learning curve. So here's a tip for David Cameron: don't use the distress of NHS patients such as the late Elizabeth Woods to make party-political points.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: public health Jamie Oliver style


    When a celebrity ventures into the inhospitable terrain of public health, the results tend to be predictably cringe-inducing.

  • News

    PCT must provide more funds for GPs


    As a GP with a special interest in diabetes and who is studying for an MSc in the disease, I read your article 'Eat all that and you'll be sick' with interest.

  • News

    NHS could be sued under free market


    Plans to create a European Union free market in public healthcare could open the health service to legal challenges from patients demanding treatments that are not available in the UK.

  • News

    Maidstone report focuses on non-execs


    Strategic health authorities and the Appointments Commission should work together to ensure new non-executive directors understand what is expected of them, a report into the management of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust has concluded.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS parallels with the finance markets


    As JM Keynes observed, if you owe the bank £100 you have a problem. But if you owe £1m, the bank has a problem.

  • News

    Political fear frustrates local socialism


    It is clear from discussions at the Labour Party conference that ministers are not willing to commit in any meaningful way to accountability to patients and the public. They feel that patient and public involvement will result in a postcode lottery followed by assassination by the press.

  • News

    Report highlights faster emergency response


    The Healthcare Commission's review of emergency and urgent care rightly recognises significant improvements in access and response times, including for ambulances.

  • Leader

    Edwina Hart's new system has a whiff of Stalinism


    Just as the government’s fingers are finally being prised off the throat of the NHS in England, Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has put her own service in a stranglehold.

  • News

    PCTs failing to decommission services


    Two out of three primary care trusts failed to decommission any services last year, showing the extent of the challenge they face to become world class commissioners.

  • News

    Trust merger derails controversial reconfiguration plan


    A controversial reconfiguration plan has been put on hold - because two of the trusts affected are likely to merge. The boards of Royal West Sussex trust - based in Chichester - and Worthing and Southlands Hospitals trust have agreed the merger in principle and are now doing detailed work.

  • Comment

    Jon Restell on party conferences


    The party conference season heralds the least productive element of my job. Attending them means - roughly - receptions, speaking at fringes, talking to anyone who will listen and eating too much and too richly.

  • News

    Killer health conditions go unseen by GPs


    Only half of all patients with some killer conditions have been diagnosed and treated by their doctor.

  • News

    Emma Dent on an early coughs and colds season


    Is it me or has the sniffles season started early this year? Autumn has barely begun but already my unfortunate colleagues have been laid low by a variety of bad colds, respiratory infections and various as yet unidentified viruses.

  • News

    Hospital chief suspended for poor record


    The chief executive of the Royal Cornwall Hospitals trust John Watkinson has been suspended.