Angela Greatley

Angela Greatley

Angela Greatley is chair of Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust and has recently retired as chief executive of the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health.

  • Angela Greatley: mental health services are moving on

    Angela Greatley: mental health services are moving on


    The asylums have long since closed - we need to maintain the pressure for better care so people with mental health problems can lead productive, positive lives

  • Greatley Angela

    Angela Greatley on community mental health treatment


    Supervised community treatment was one of the most controversial aspects of the 2007 Mental Health Act. The new powers were introduced in November 2008, since which time some 1,200 requests for second opinions to ratify such orders have already been made.

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    Angela Greatley on focusing on mental health


    It has become an accepted fact among those of us who work in mental health that there is no health without mental health. But does the NHS think this way?

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    Angela Greatley on children's mental health


    Youth crime has rarely been out of the news headlines over the past year. Knife crimes, and particularly the tragic deaths of young people, have been very prominent and have led to a growing culture of disproportionate distrust and fear of teenagers.

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    Angela Greatley on racism and the NHS


    Next month marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Macpherson report into the death of Stephen Lawrence. The report was the first to bring the concept of 'institutional racism' to the attention of the public.

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    Angela Greatley on help for released prisoners


    Every year, more than 80,000 people end prison sentences in the UK. Most have a complex mix of mental health problems alongside drug or alcohol addictions and a myriad of other difficulties to face.

  • Angela Greatley

    Angela Greatley on the Mental Health Act


    From 3 November, most parts of the long-awaited and often feared 2007 Mental Health Act will be implemented. For the NHS, the new act presents major challenges by extending the scope of compulsory powers and by creating some new safeguards for those subject to them.

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    Angela Greatley on mental health and the media


    Much has been written about the media's handling of mental health issues. We know from countless studies that mass media in the UK and abroad focus disproportionately on violent acts committed by people with severe mental illnesses while rarely considering the lives people with a range of mental health conditions ...

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    Angela Greatley on tackling social exclusion


    There is a group of people who are chronically excluded from housing, work, relationships and the kinds of activity most people aspire to in 21st century Britain. They exhibit the most complex problems but they can be the most excluded from the very help they need.

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    Angela Greatley on worrying welfare reforms


    Late last month, the government published its latest plans for welfare reform. Many of the proposals in the green paper, No One Written Off, are likely to be very significant for sick and disabled people.

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    Angela Greatley on a new vision for mental health


    Next year, the first of the government's national service frameworks will come to an end. The adult mental health framework was published in 1999 as a 10-year plan for improving services and setting out what patients could expect from them.

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    Angela Greatley on what Darzi can do for mental health


    Introducing the latest proposals for the next stage review last month, Lord Darzi said: 'The nature of healthcare means services will always need to change, and sometimes that means reorganising how services are provided.'

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    Angela Greatley on mental healthcare in prison


    Late last month, a Prison Officers’ Association official claimed that prison had become so comfortable that prisoners were no longer trying to escape.

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    Angela Greatley on mental health at work


    It may not always be apparent to all of the 1 million plus staff of the NHS, but being in employment is a major determinant of good health.

  • News

    Secrets and lies



  • News

    Mind how you go

