“Hope is a key differentiator between those NHS organisations that succeed and those that don’t,” says the NHS Institute’s Helen Bevan. She adds, “the driving force of hope is belief” - belief that things can be improved.

In grim times it is hard to be hopeful. Having faith that things might get better can feel like a betrayal of struggling colleagues. Your credibility can be questioned if you suggest the world is not going to hell in a handcart.

HSJ devotes its Resource Centre section to those who have hope. We aim to ensure these best practice articles are not naive - that they reflect the difficulties of today’s NHS.

Examples of innovation are even more important in times of scarcity, which is why this week HSJ increases its best practice content by 25 per cent.

We have also refocused Resource Centre onto key service priorities, including the QIPP efficiency drive and delivery of the commissioning reforms. You can see the full list of priorities at www.hsj.co.uk/priorities. Let us know how it could be improved.

All Resource Centre content can be accessed at www.hsj.co.uk/resource-centre. There you will also find an increasing range of interactive tools aimed at solving the same problems.

Next month we will reveal the most significant expansion in HSJ’s coverage for over a decade. Our hope is that all the changes we have planned will help our subscribers meet the myriad challenges ahead.