We want your views as to whether any any qualified provider can be the vehicle for change for commissioning services within the NHS

This article was part of the Audiology Today channel, in association with Specsavers Hearing Centres. The channel is no longer being updated.

Over the past few years the NHS has seen an increasing number of services commissioned through any qualified provider. It will soon be up to commissioners to decide if they want to extend any qualified provider to new areas.

But what benefits are patients and NHS organisations getting from any qualified provider and is there scope to commission more services from high street providers? Do you feel any qualified provider has been a success? Are your local commissioners likely to open up more services to new providers? Which ones? How will they be commissioned?

HSJ, in association with Specsavers, is running a short survey which explores whether any qualified provider can be the vehicle for change within commissioning services for the NHS. The findings will be used to inform a forthcoming HSJ article.

Complete the survey here. As a thank you, Specsavers is offering participants the chance to win £100 of Amazon vouchers in a prize draw.