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I am happy to see a transfer of senior talent between the public sector and industry. The NHS is far too defensive in this respect - not invented here; not trained here; not for us. This attitude shall ultimately be the undoing of us. We should all contemplate how we see our careers - do we work in the NHS or do we work in the health industry? If the former, we shall always struggle because our lack of openess, receptivness will certainly mean that we shall have a preference for perpetuating old ideas; old approaches.
I agree with an earlier comment - not rats & ships; but cats & cream AND opportunity to do something else; build something and test your own skills against an outside cohort of senior managers.
I know ID well. He is very principled, very focused and a good leader and colleague. I dont always agree with him, but thats how teams produce the best results - the dynamic tension of discussion, debate & decision.
However, the big issue for DN is who to succeed and assume IDs duties? A question at the moment to which there isnt an obvious answer. Mark me well: the future of the NHS is at risk. We all have roles to play in designing & delivering a different service for the future. We should be focusing on that rather than petty sniping at one another. ID - Good Luck.

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