Croydon Health Services NHS Trust – Page 9
Exclusive: FT pipeline delays threaten boards with the sack
Board members are being replaced and organisational autonomy is at risk at trusts lagging behind in the drive to reach foundation trust status.
HSJ Local
Croydon Health Services looking at £10m savings plan for 2012-13
FINANCE: Croydon Health Services Trust in south London is planning a savings target of £10.1m according to the most recent finance papers the trust has published.
HSJ Local
Croydon Health Services reduces clinical income forecast
FINANCE: Croydon Health Services has reduced its clinical income forecast because of problems at its primary care trust.
Revealed: all but six of London's non-FT hospital trusts unviable by 2014-15
Only six of London’s 18 non-foundation hospital trusts will be viable in their current form in 2014-15, HSJ can reveal.
Review of London trusts reveals fears for safety
By now everyone in London’s heard of the SaFE review. NHS London commissioned consultants McKinsey to put together the Safe and Financially Effective paper and it has sat on desks for a few weeks at Southside. It’s explosive.
Exclusive: inquiry launched as £25m black hole opens up in PCT accounts
An independent “forensic” inquiry has been launched after a £25m financial black hole opened up in NHS Croydon’s accounts.
HSJ Local
Only four maternity units in London meet consultant labour ward requirements
WORKFORCE: A report from NHS London has outlined significant shortfalls in consultant presence in labour wards.
HSJ Local
Croydon Health Services planning work around discharge delays
PERFORMANCE: The outer London integrated care organisation is planning a “significant piece of business process reengineering” to reduce delays in getting medication for patients to take home.
HSJ Local
Board report indicates problem with new A&E quality measure
PERFORMANCE: A south London trust has highlighted a problem with one of the A&E activity measures.
Will Lansley be red-faced after rubber-stamped reconfiguration in London?
By the time you read this there may have been news on a most contentious reconfiguration in the capital – namely whether the health secretary has found a way to rubber-stamp the downgrading of Chase Farm without losing face (which he has, just about - ed.).
Exclusive: 500 avoidable deaths a year in London due to understaffing
There are more than 500 avoidable deaths a year in emergency care each year in London, a report obtained exclusively by HSJ reveals.
Nearly 90 per cent of trusts failing new A&E indicators
Almost 90 per cent of trusts are failing the accident and emergency indicator on unplanned reattendances, while all acute providers failed to keep their single longest wait below six hours.
HSJ Local
Minor dignity and nutrition concerns at Croydon University Hospital
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission found the trust was meeting standards relating to dignity and nutrition, but also noted minor concerns on both, during a spot check as part of a wider investigation into how older patients are treated.
HSJ Local
London trusts fail ambulance handover targets
PERFORMANCE: Ambulance handover times have deteriorated across the capital since the government relaxed accident and emergency targets last year, a report has said.
HSJ Local
Cluster considering centralising pathology services across five PCTs
STRUCTURE: The south west London primary care trust cluster is looking to centralise the procurement of pathology services as part of a wider review of care.
HSJ Local
Continued under-performance on ambulance handover times at London A&Es
PERFORMANCE: A strategic health authority report has revealed continued under-performance on ambulance handover times at the capital’s accident and emergency departments.
HSJ Local
SW London cluster considers hospital pathology and pharmacy consolidation
STRUCTURE: The primary care trust cluster has launched a clinically-led review of services across the health economy and said consolidation options were being looked at across its acute trusts.
HSJ Local
London's acute trusts achieving 82 per cent of their CIPs in Feb
FINANCE: A document submitted to NHS London’s delivery group in April itemises each trust against its savings target and found a capital-wide variance of £69m against plan - some trusts achieving less than half their target.
HSJ Local
Confidential report sets out quality issues for every provider in the region
PERFORMANCE: A confidential report commissioned by NHS London has listed the strategic health authority’s quality concerns about the capital’s provider bodies.
HSJ Local
Croydon Hospital found to be missing CQC standards
PERFORMANCE: Croydon University Hospital’s maternity unit has been found not to be meeting six essential standards by health regulator the Care Quality Commission and to have been putting patient safety at risk.