East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust – Page 7
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Reconfiguration by the backdoor
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
Expert Briefing
North by North West: A&E in the spotlight
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
HSJ Local
Trust challenges decision to hand contract to private firm
COMMERICAL: An NHS trust has challenged commissioners in Lancashire over the awarding of community equipment contract to a private provider.
Free wi-fi pledge complicated by exclusivity deal
Department of Health has committed to ensuring patients can access free wi-fi throughout the NHS But contractual issues related to Hospedia bedside entertainment systems have prevented free wi-fi for some patients Company says its charges are essential to recoup investment costs The government’s plan to roll out free ...
Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
HSJ Local
Lancashire faces £800m funding gap
Lancashire’s funding gap to reach £800m in five years County has some of England’s most financially troubled hospital trusts “Case for change” to be prepared next year FINANCE: Health chiefs in Lancashire are preparing to build a case for “radical” system changes, after the funding gap for health ...
Analysis: Acute trust stretch targets would cut deficit by only 16pc
The financial ‘stretch targets’ issued to acute NHS trusts would reduce their deficit by just 16 per cent, HSJ analysis has found.
HSJ Local
Trusts continue acute care collaboration despite failed vanguard bid
Four acute trusts in Lancashire will continue discussions about sharing services, despite failing to secure ‘vanguard’ status.
Ten more trusts brought into Carter efficiency review
The Department of Health has named 10 more trusts that will take part in Lord Carter’s major review into hospital efficiency.
Specialist radiotherapy overhaul could result in decommissioning
An overhaul of specialist radiotherapy services could result in a number of existing providers being decommissioned, a consultation paper published by NHS England suggests.
HSJ Local
Robot wars in Lancashire as trusts compete to be specialist site
ACUTE CARE: A hospital trust in Lancashire has ignored national guidance by spending £1.5m on a surgical robot, according to NHS England.
HSJ Local
Trust with 'sound financial record' forecasts £22m deficit
FINANCE: East Lancashire Hospitals Trust has forecast a deficit of more than £22m for this year.
HSJ Local
Occupational therapists join paramedics on some 999 calls
WORKFORCE: An ambulance service and acute trust in the North West have launched a pilot project in which occupational therapists respond to ‘low level’ 999 calls alongside paramedics.
Patient Safety Awards shortlist announced
We are recognising and rewarding outstanding practice within the NHS
HSJ Local
TDA appoints improvement director at troubled West Midlands trust
PERFORMANCE: The NHS Trust Development Authority has appointed an improvement director in an attempt to turn around a West Midlands trust beset by problems in its accident and emergency department.
HSJ Local
£12m surplus for CCG after third quarter
FINANCE: East Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group posted a surplus of £11.7m at the end of the third quarter of 2014-15.
'Hard evidence' special measures worked at Keogh trusts, say researchers
There is ‘hard evidence’ that the special measures regime has reduced death rates at the 11 Keogh trusts and potentially saved hundreds of lives, researchers have claimed.
HSJ Local
East Lancashire appoints new directors
WORKFORCE: East Lancashire Hospitals Trust has appointed two new directors