Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust

Mother with newborn baby

Exclusive: Lack of surgery capacity adding to risk for babies and mothers


A lack of surgery capacity at dozens of maternity units is adding to the risk of serious harm to mothers and newborn babies, HSJ has found.

Great Western Hospital

Three trusts to share CEO and chair


Three trusts in the South West have announced plans to appoint a joint chair and chief executive, and form a new “group model”.

Hospital beds ward

Revealed: The trusts with the longest discharge delays


Patients are waiting over two weeks in hospital after their “ready for discharge” date at some trusts – more than double the average delay, according to new NHS England data.

Great Western Hospital

Shared EPR plan for three trusts gets go-ahead


An integrated care system in the South West has had plans to install a shared electronic patient record system across its three acute trusts approved by NHS England.


IT system which sparked safety alert dropped by 13 trusts


More than a dozen trusts have changed their maternity IT system – or are in the process of doing so – following a national patient safety alert.


Lack of collaboration a factor in failed bids for new hospital, says CEO


The lack of collaboration with a neighbour was a factor in a trust being overlooked for capital investment to rebuild an acute hospital, its chief executive has suggested.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Revealed: Official data masking long waits for the sickest patients


Several trusts are failing to admit their sickest emergency patients in a timely fashion, despite performing well in official waiting time statistics, HSJ can reveal.

Hospital beds

Revealed: The worst trusts for long discharge delays


The trusts with the most patients waiting at least a week after they are ‘ready’ to be discharged can be identified for the first time, following publication of new NHS England data.


Trusts bring in joint CEO after NHSE intervention


A joint chief executive has been appointed to lead two neighbouring acute trusts following threats of regulatory action from NHS England.


Seven trusts inexplicably removed from ‘40 new hospitals’ pledge


Seven trusts were removed from a list used to choose the ‘40 new hospitals’ with no documentation to explain why, a watchdog has found.

Solar panel

Sixteen trusts win £150m for green energy projects


Sixteen trusts have been allocated a combined £150m for heat pumps and other projects to reduce emissions from their estates.

View of the main entrance of Salisbury District Hospital from the south west

Trust CEO predicts ‘unprecedented’ pressure will last a year


An acute trust CEO has predicted her organisation will be under extreme pressure for 12 months due to ‘relentless and stressful’ demand on services.

Newborn baby

Inconsistent leadership undermining safety of maternity services, says CQC


Inconsistent leadership and poor teamworking, lack of risk oversight and a failure to engage with women’s needs are among the issues continuing to affect the safety of some hospital maternity services, the Care Quality Commission has found.


‘Significant risks to patient safety and trust’s reputation’ uncovered by external review


A gastroenterology service was ‘in a very poor state with significant risks to patient safety’ and had poor teamworking which ‘blighted’ the service, an external review found.

Royal United Hospitals

Trusts team up for weekend surgery drive to cut paediatric waiting times


Three acute trusts have teamed up to carry out surgical procedures on hundreds of children over several weekends as part of plans to tackle waiting lists in the region.

Money coins

Revealed: The seven trusts getting £6m each for tech improvements


Seven trusts will receive £6m each over the next three years in the second phase of Matt Hancock’s plan to improve IT infrastructure in the health service.


Ex-nurse appointed CEO of hospital trust


Salisbury NHS FT has appointed a former nurse as its new chief executive officer.

Cara Charles-Barks

Chief leaps to larger neighbour


The Royal United Hospitals Bath Foundation Trust has hired a new chief executive from a neighbouring acute provider.


Revealed: The trusts put on notice over risks to staff


NHS providers were given 40 official warnings because regulators believed they were failing to protect staff from violence, injury and hazardous substances in the past two years, HSJ can reveal.


Two-thirds of trusts failing to protect staff from violence


Around two-thirds of NHS providers were found to be breaking laws aimed at protecting staff from violence and aggression, when inspected by the Health and Safety Executive, information released to HSJ reveals.