Whittington Health NHS Trust – Page 8
HSJ Local
Whittington finances ahead of plan
FINANCE: Whittington Health Trust is ahead of plan by £295,000 at month six, board papers reveal.
Patient records security worries MP
The security of patients’ records is being put at risk by the decision of hospital trusts to outsource their administration to overseas’ companies, an MP claimed.
Circle outlines £8bn 'NHS growth opportunity'
Private health provider Circle named 32 trusts it viewed as constituting an “NHS growth opportunity” of more than £8bn in presentation to investors last year.
HSJ Local
Analysed: the future of Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals Trust
HSJ Local Briefing is our new in-depth analysis of key issues facing some of the major NHS health economies. This week we examine the options for Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals Trust as it seeks a merger partner.
FT applications given higher risk rating
The efforts of three London trusts to achieve foundation status have been given a higher risk rating HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Whittington sets two year savings target
FINANCE: Whittington Health Trust has set a savings target of £38.9m over next two years.
HSJ Local
Block contract trust sets two-year deal with commissioners
FINANCE: Whittington Health Trust has agreed a two-year block contract deal with commissioners
London trusts could cut nurse expenditure by up to half
Some London hospital trusts could safely cut their spending on nurses by half, NHS London documents have claimed.
HSJ Local
Whittington Health faces a £19.8m disinvestment from its commissioners
FINANCE: The north London integrated care organisation faces a disinvestment under the North Central London cluster’s QIPP programme of £19.8m over the next three years.
Revealed: all but six of London's non-FT hospital trusts unviable by 2014-15
Only six of London’s 18 non-foundation hospital trusts will be viable in their current form in 2014-15, HSJ can reveal.
Payment by results moves to 'bundled' contracts
The Department of Health is set to signal that NHS commissioners can move away from payment by results in 2012-13 in an attempt to control costs.
HSJ Local
Whittington plans to split benefits of contract 50:50 with GPs
STRUCTURE: The Whittington Health Trust plans to split the benefits of a block contract scheme 50:50 with local GP commissioners, according to its latest strategy document.
Review of London trusts reveals fears for safety
By now everyone in London’s heard of the SaFE review. NHS London commissioned consultants McKinsey to put together the Safe and Financially Effective paper and it has sat on desks for a few weeks at Southside. It’s explosive.
Noel Plumridge: PbR is becoming increasingly irrelevant
The strategic direction of tariff funding used to be steady expansion of scope and steady growth in sophistication. In time, it was understood, payment by results would cover virtually the entire English NHS.
Integrated care organisation proposes bundled tariff for services
A hospital trust that took on community services in two London boroughs is looking to offer all its services on a bundled tariff in 2012-13.
HSJ Local
Only four maternity units in London meet consultant labour ward requirements
WORKFORCE: A report from NHS London has outlined significant shortfalls in consultant presence in labour wards.
HSJ Local
Whittington pressure ulcers rates down
PERFORMANCE: The incidence of the most serious pressure ulcers has fallen at the north London integrated care organisation.
HSJ Local
Whittington revises down CIP target by nearly a third
FINANCE: The north London integrated care organisation has reduced its CIP target from £6.9m to £4.7m, its finance director reported to the board.
Exclusive: 500 avoidable deaths a year in London due to understaffing
There are more than 500 avoidable deaths a year in emergency care each year in London, a report obtained exclusively by HSJ reveals.
HSJ Local
CQC finds minor concerns at Whittington Hospital
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission found the trust was meeting standards relating to dignity and nutrition, but with minor concerns around both, during a spot check as part of a wider investigation into how older patients are treated.