All articles by Anne Axford – Page 2

  • Blogs

    On coaching and interference


    I’m part way through a coaching qualification. I’m learning a lot about others, but a whole lot more about myself! I’m not going to get into definitions of coaching, counselling and mentoring (that’s another whole blog on its own) but one of the fundamentals is that the agenda needs to ...

  • Blogs



    What does PRINCE2 mean to you?

  • Blogs

    your worst decision


    What's the worst decision you have ever made?

  • Blogs

    What on earth is MBTI?


    “I’m ENTP – I’m guessing you are ESFJ – but what do you think J Is? ISTJ or INTP?” What on earth is this gibberish? If you’ve never been “MBTI’d” it will mean absolutely nothing. If you have – you will immediately be leaping to a set of information about ...

  • Blogs

    Powerpoint presentations


    “Beware of anyone who says that they're "just going to talk to some slides" - because that's exactly what they'll do - without realising that they're spending most of their time with their backs to the audience.” So says Max Atkinson, author of “Speech making and Presentations made easy”, in ...

  • Blogs

    Talent Management


    How can we recruit and retain the very best people for the NHS? David Nicholson said in the foreword to “Inspiring leaders; leadership for quality” that it was imperative to align work on leadership with achievement on quality. He describes it as “Leadership with a purpose”. So how to ...

  • Blogs

    To coach or not to coach…


    There’s many different forms of coaching, from the informal, “water cooler” conversation, through manager coaching to more formal internal or external coaching. Coaching as a style of management is now accepted as effective, but there is a growing trend towards formal coaching, because of the growing evidence of its ...

  • Blogs

    Mental Health Diet


    The power of positive thinking – is your glass half full or half empty? You can choose your mood, and control your state of mind to improve outcomes for yourself and those around you. Is this just so much mumbo-jumbo, or is there something in it?

  • Blogs

    The future of nursing and midwifery


    As a commission looks at what skills and competencies nurses and midwives need for the future, Martha Lane Fox tells the NHS what it was like to be on the receiving end of the NHS following a major accident. Do nurses need a degree? What makes a good nurse? And ...

  • Blogs

    number crunching leadership


    Leading and managing by numbers - or how to find a set of theories, skills, disciplines, habits or principles to fit whatever your burning issue is today.

  • Blogs

    Disney and the NHS


    Should the NHS emulate the Disney Corporation? Can we learn from the giants in the service industries in how we deliver services, and is there a holy grail in getting it right?

  • Blogs

    Looking Out, Not Up


    How do we know if we are getting it right? Is it meeting targets? The people who really know whether our services are good or bad are the people who receive them.

  • Blogs

    Being Bold


    In the current economic climate, cutting training budgets is an easy way to make savings, but is it really false economy?

  • Bournemouth beach   Boscombe

    Challenging Mediocrity


    How do we know what makes a good leader? If we are to make a difference, then we have to be more than “good enough”.

  • Books

    Learn anything new today?


    “What did you learn today?”  Well, quite a lot, actually.