The NHS has repeatedly talked about revolutionary change but the roundtable panel on improvement agreed: this time it really has to happen. Alison Moore reports on experts’ views of how the health service can deliver much more for much less

HSJ’s report from the roundtable is available to download

Participants in the roundtable debate

Alastair McLellan, HSJ editor and roundtable chair

Helen Bevan, chief of service transformation at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

David Fillingham, chief executive at Advancing Quality Alliance,

Dr Junaid Bajwa, GP and clinical commissioning group board member at NHS Greenwich

Maxine Power, director at NHS Quest

Dr Mark Newbold, chief executive at Heart of England Foundation Trust

Mandy Hollis, electronic patient record manager, service improvement and business support to the chief nurse at Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust

Beverley Matthews, director at NHS Kidney Care and NHS Liver Care

Steve Fairman, director in the medical directorate at the NHS Commissioning Board

Julian Hartley, interim managing director at the NHS Improvement Body

Dr Robert Varnam, GP, clinical lead for commissioning at the NHS Institute and co-chair for integration at the NHS Future Forum

HSJ’s report from the roundtable is free to download