Eleven trusts renew £1.5bn court battle with their local councils
Eleven hospital trusts are continuing a High Court action against their local authorities, by seeking to appeal a previous ruling that denied them an estimated £1.5bn in backdated business rates.
Trust chief moves to neighbouring provider
A mental health trust chief executive has been appointed to the top post at a neighbouring provider.
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High profile CEO to step down next year
Stuart Bell, chief executive of Oxford Health Foundation Trust, has announced he is due to retire next year.
Community hospital to reopen after staff shortages forced it to shut
An Oxfordshire community hospital is to reopen after it was forced to shut at the beginning of the summer due to major nursing shortages.
Chief nurse to ‘pick up’ non-medical referrals dispute
England’s chief nursing officer has said NHS Improvement will be “picking up” issues with an acute trust blocking non-medical referrals, despite national guidance stating they should be accepted.
Community hospital to close in face of staff shortages
A community hospital in Oxford will close temporarily at the end of the month because of major nursing shortages.
Deputy appointed CEO of neighbouring trust
An executive from a neighbouring trust will take over as chief executive at Avon and Wiltshire Partnership Trust.
Brexit: Trust can operate for 'four days' under food shortage contingency plans
A mental health trust has said it can “operate for four days” by increasing its stock of frozen food and replacing hot meals for patients with cold meals, in the event of food shortages caused by a no-deal Brexit.
Exclusive: Trusts 'limiting access' to psychosis services
Struggling community teams have resorted to “limiting access” to services for seriously ill patients as investment fails to reach the front line, an official report has claimed.
Two more digital 'exemplars' to get £7.5m
NHS England has picked two more regions to receive up to £7.5m to create detail health and care patient records.
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NHS England director appointed to lead integrated care system
An integrated care system early adopter has appointed an NHS England director to lead its transformation programme.
Revealed: 58 trusts admit they will miss financial plan
NHS Improvement has accepted formal revisions to the financial forecasts of almost 60 NHS trusts, according to data published today.
CQC finds 'no evidence of commitment' to integration in challenged system
Patients in Oxfordshire “did not always receive safe discharges home”, a report by the Care Quality Commission has revealed.
70 trusts working with NHSI to boost workforce retention
Seventy NHS trusts have now been recruited by NHS Improvement to its programme to improve workforce retention rates in the health service.
Trust chief exec appointed to lead 'advanced' STP
A trust chief with more than 20 years experience has been appointed “executive lead” of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West sustainability and transformation partnership.
Chair and chief to leave reconfiguration row CCG
The two senior leaders of one of the largest clinical commissioning groups are leaving the roles, they have announced.
Exclusive: 11 providers given £300m commissioning budget
NHS England confirms second wave of sites to take on devolved tertiary mental health commissioning powers The 11 new sites will be given devolved commissioning responsibility for low and medium secure adult or tier four child and adolescent mental health services The 17 sites will all be live by ...
NHS England pledges to increase child mental health beds
NHS England will fund 150-180 new child and adolescent mental health inpatient beds by 2019 The announcement forms part of the forward view delivery plan published today The new beds will be used to reduce out of area placements for young people Global digital exemplars in mental health revealed ...
Revealed: 23 trusts chosen for new Carter review
Twenty-three trusts selected for first phase of Lord Carter’s new review into productivity at mental health and community service organisations NHS Improvement letter to mental health and community service trusts reveals providers chosen for initial six month engagement phase Review will follow a similar structure to Lord Carter’s previous ...