Circular Wave, workforce solution specialists, are committed to supporting the national covid-19 response. Like many service providers, they are offering their agile market-leading core solutions completely free of charge to any health or care organisation including trusts, clinical commissioning groups, GPs care homes and community services.

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Circular Wave

To help get staff paid quickly and provide much needed cash flow to key workers they have accelerated the release of their Instant Pay system. It enables employees to be paid immediately after completing a shift without disrupting their employer’s monthly payroll. It gives them the confidence to know they can pay their bills, feed their family and face another difficult day.

Instant Pay is particularly aimed at driving staff engagement and reassurance at what is an extremely challenging and vulnerable time. Employees view and manage their finances via the Circular Wave mobile app which fully interoperates and integrates into other main HR and shift management systems. 

To find out more click here or contact James Shields at