All Blogs articles – Page 3

  • Blogs

    Non-PC robots versus man


    Ever since Prometheus stole fire from the gods, the humble human was suffered at the hand of technology as much as she has benefitted from it.The most recent example of this ancient truth was unearthed in Northampton.Local paper Northampton Chronicle wins an EndGame applause for a story on how cuts ...

  • Blogs

    Campaign emergency


    End Game hates election time and its dreaded “purdah”, the 40 days and 40 nights of abstinence, where press officers claim they are banned from answering our carefully crafted queries on the spurious grounds that openness and honesty could somehow interfere with the European and local elections.So imagine our surprise ...

  • Blogs

    Stirring up the multicultural melting pot


    The NHS has a duty to serve all groups and communities

  • Blair McPherson

    The better care fund fiasco


    Taking money from hospitals and giving it to local authorities is unlikely to improve working relationships

  • Blogs

    Yes to all-BME short lists for senior public sector jobs


    The aim of positive discrimination is to ensure public sector leadership represents the diverse society we live in

  • Blogs

    Truth is stranger than fiction


    “HR have developed a matrix to identify these negative ninjas”

  • Blogs

    Booking in the consultants


    A novel combining the flowing prose of a master wordsmith and a poignant critique of the social issues of the day is something of a holy grail for End Game.So when Alex Knight’s Pride and Joy – which appears to tackle the issues faced by the NHS via a riveting ...

  • Blogs

    Moral question


    We at End Game regularly have our morals called into question, but rarely are we brazenly flirted with by interviewees.No longer: a nursing director – who on balance we have decided not to identify – signed off a an otherwise run-of-the-mill chat with the mother of all non-sequiturs, by asking ...

  • Blogs

    Dispatches from the other side


    “I’m available”. With those two lonely, listless words, Sir David Nicholson summed up the tragedy of retirement.It will be no surprise to readers that End Game saw the utterance on Twitter, where Sir David continues to display the symptoms of a keen mind in search of something, anything, to do. ...

  • Blogs

    Better a poor service than no service


    We’ve moved for “take it or leave it” care to “like it or lump it”

  • Blogs

    It's sometimes best not to follow the leader


    Following a success story can be difficult for leaders everywhere

  • Blogs

    Get a grip


    The elderly. When we were babies they cradled us, secure in the knowledge that when their hour of need arrived we would return the favour.Why don’t they just “Get a Grip”? Not our words – this is the name of an initiative from South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs who ...

  • Blogs



    Ipods revolutionised, and possibly destroyed, the recording industry forever, with their convenience, user friendliness and the bewildering, strangely alienating level of choice they offer.Vinyl records, on the other hand, may be fragile and cumbersome, but are also beautiful and comforting objects that ooze history and value.So what are we to ...

  • Therapy dogs end game

    Department of dogs


    End Game hears many reports of hairy beasts roaming the corridors of Richmond House but rarely are they serving any purpose which could be deemed therapeutic for anyone apart from perhaps themselves.So it was heartwarming to hear that the department’s policy teams were visited by three flat coated retriever dogs ...

  • Buzz Lightyear

    Looky likey


    Buzz LightyearWhen HSJ naughtily put together a joke piece for April Fool’s Day, we thought we had made it implausible enough to be self-evidently a joke.Chortling to ourselves, we ran a story stating that ministers would have to tell the truth in future, as they were to be subjected to ...

  • Blogs

    You need more than a change in the law to improve care


    Without resources and changes in attitude things remain the same

  • Jon_Restell

    Looky unlikely


    Jon Restell: the charming chief executive of the union for HSJ readers, Managers In Partnership.Gordon Brown: author of unpopular books and noted Arctic Monkeys fan.No-one actually thinks these two gentlemen look anything alike, except for a jocular passer-by (isn’t that always the worst sort of passer-by?) who spotted Mr Restell ...

  • Blogs

    Anyone who had a heart


    Jeremy Hunt continues to have a lovely time criss-crossing the nation visiting hospitals and seeing all the wonderful things that are going on.The latest trust to have the honour was Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. Tweeteth Jeremy: “Thanks to staff @SheffieldHosp for a great afternoon seeing surgical teams at the cutting edge. ...

  • Blogs

    The politics of language


    It can be hard to keep up with the evolution of acceptable language for talking about people

  • Blair McPherson

    I don’t want to be a consumer, I'm happy to be a patient


    Doctor may know best on medical decisions, but they should still treat patients as adults