Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Page 2
Patient images sent by taxi after £30m IT system breaks down
Doctors have been forced to send images from patient scans on DVDs in taxis to neighbouring hospitals after a £30m IT system failed across eight hospitals.
'Status quo is not an option' as seven trusts agree joint working deal
Seven trusts in an acute care vanguard have ruled out a merger as part of a joint working agreement to reconfigure services.
HSJ Local
Hospital trust creates primary care company
Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT to create new arm’s length company The new body will provide services to more than 30,000 patients Development follows trust taking on five GP surgeries Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust has created a new arm’s length limited company to provide GP services to more ...
Almost half of NHS staff say wards are understaffed
Almost half of NHS staff say there are not enough staff at their trust to do their job Midwives, consultants and nurses complain of staff shortages in latest survery Best performing acute trust on this measure was Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh FT Almost half of NHS staff say ...
Patient safety fears after trust moves to radiology consortium
Kettering General Hospital dealing with major reporting backlogs affecting thousands of scans, including urgent and cancer MRI and CT scans At least one serious incidence and 68 other incidences of potential harm identified, with patients waiting up to 3 months for routine MRI scan results Fault attributed to flagship ...
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
HSJ Local
Commissioners plan children's surgery shake-up
Two district hospitals would stop providing hyper-acute stroke care and reduce access to paediatric surgery under a proposed shake up of services in Yorkshire.
HSJ Local
Hospital trust takes on fourth GP practice
STRUCTURE: Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust has taken on the management of a fourth GP practice.
Seven trusts combine leadership to accelerate vanguard changes
Seven trusts in Yorkshire to cede control over decision making to newly created federation board Leaders want new structure to help speed up transformation of acute services New board and south Yorkshire STP both headed by Sir Andrew Cash Seven trusts will cede authority over decision making on ...
Trust chiefs declare support for 'brave' EU staff following Brexit vote
Senior NHS leaders for organisations across the service have sought to reassure employees in the wake of the vote for the UK to leave the EU, and have restated their policies for zero tolerance towards racist abuse.
HSJ Local
Sheffield trust chief switches to fellow vanguard
APPOINTMENT: The chief executive of a specialist children’s hospital is leaving to lead a neighbouring acute foundation trust.
Analysis: The trusts where patient experience declined the most last year
HSJ analysis identifies the trusts which saw the biggest net deterioration year on year in patient experience survey Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT had the most deteriorated question scores in the adult inpatient survey 2015 HSJ analysis has identified the trusts which saw the biggest net deterioration year on ...
HSJ Local
New chief executive for Derby FT named
APPOINTMENT: Derby Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust has appointed Gavin Boyle as its new chief executive.
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Acute care vanguard awarded nearly £1m transformation funding
East Midlands vanguard project awarded £960,000 from NHS England Consortium of seven trusts shares radiology patient images Money needs to be spent by end of 2015-16 FINANCE: A consortium of seven East Midlands acute trusts has been awarded £960,000 to support its work as a vanguard site developing ...
Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
Special report: Online auctions get the best prices
Suppliers bid to provide a group of trusts with a standardised product
HSJ Knowledge
Seven day services: Gathering the data to make it happen
Ten acute trusts in the East Midlands joined forces to tackle the challenge
HSJ Local
FT becomes ‘emergency caretaker’ of GP surgeries
STRUCTURE: An East Midlands foundation trust is to take over all GP services in three local surgeries under ‘exceptional circumstances’, its commissioners have said.
Exclusive: Trusts struggle to achieve weekend standards during weekdays
Hospitals in the East Midlands are struggling to meet new clinical standards for seven day services even during normal weekday hours, according to a region-wide analysis.