WINNER: Medway and Swale Integrated Care Partnership: DAB111: Introducing Direct Access Booking from 111 Into Urgent and Emergency Care
Working as a system partnership, utilising the skills, expertise and motivation of clinicians, managers and technology leads, this delivered one of the most complex pathway redesigns in urgent and emergency care. Adopting a digital platform to underpin the change, they accelerated a positive change through our leads as one team in the local economy and benefiting regional localities with their rollout.
Pioneering DAB 111 for Kent and Medway, designing, developing and implementing the change, sharing in real-time project documents, with other regional UECs. The design and implementation took place during the height of the pandemic to benefit patients.
Highly commended:
- Qubit Health and Imperial College Healthcare Trust: Qubit Patient Management System
- Attain and Mid Cheshire Hospitals FT: An NHS Workforce Revolution: Our 3-Month Transformation Journey to Becoming one of England’s Leading Alternative Medical Workforce Employers
- Consultant Connect and Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, NHS Tayside: Establishing a COVID-19 Assessment and Admissions Unit
- Medirest, Compass Group UK&I and Royal Surrey FT: Food Glorious Food!
- Patchwork Health and London North West University Healthcare Trust: Digital Staff Bank
- Spire Manchester Hospital and Manchester University FT: Thoracic Service
HSJ Partnership Awards 2021 winners revealed
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HSJ Partnership Awards 2021: Best Acute Sector Partnership with the NHS
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